Forza Motorsport 6 First Impressions: Another Winner From Turn 10 - MOARGeek

Forza Motorsport 6 First Impressions: Another Winner From Turn 10" addthis:url="http://moargeek. com/2015/09/02/forza-motorsport-6-first-impressions-another-winner-turn-10/" addthis:description="Turn 10’s upcoming Forza Motorsport 6 doesn’t launch until September 15th, but in typical Turn 10 fashion they’ve released a demo for you to try out,... Graphics The graphics in Forza […]"> Forza Motorsport 6 is the most beautiful and comprehensive racing game of this generation. Compete in epic 24-player races and Forza Race Leagues across 26 world-famous locales, all at a stunning 1080p resolution and 60 frames per second. Turn 10’s upcoming Forza Motorsport 6 doesn’t launch until September 15th, but in typical Turn 10 fashion they’ve released a demo for you to try out, and of course entice you to buy into the latest game in the franchise. Graphics The graphics in Forza Motorsport 5 and Forza Horizon 2 on the Xbox One were great. I normally race in cockpit view but I found myself constantly switching to hood and outside views just to watch the reflection of the other cars, lights, road, trees, and other scenery in the chrome finish. The cars handle as you would expect if you’ve played Forza Motorsport 5 , and as before. Source: