Dallas Shooting Shows How Simple It Is To Be A Terrorist For $10K Or Less - Daily Beast

You’re ready for combat, but now you need to cover your own ass. Bulletproof gear. Let’s keep this simple and just go back to eBay , where you can get a used law enforcement issue bulletproof vest for as low as $104. 95. A word of caution here: in many states, it’s illegal for felons to own bulletproof clothing, but hey, there’s... From the Boston Bombers’ pressure cooker to Oklahoma Bomber Timothy McVeigh’s compost truck to today’s pipe bombs, the Internet has made the Anarchist’s Cookbook look like Goodnight Moon , and with way more anonymity. Just a few seconds of trolling the World Wide Web will unlock enough potential for destruction to make locking yourself in the basement with a stockpile of canned goods and tinfoil helmet seem like a pretty good plan. Depending on the scope or horror you’d like to inflict, most look like they’d run under $100, with, obviously, some assembly required. Google at your own risk. ” the answer is: it’s really, really easy. Here in the USA anyone can, and apparently does, get their hands on enough deadly equipment to make ISIS’s beards curl in jealousy, and for bargain basement prices. Source: www.thedailybeast.com