Hillary Plays the Victim in CNN Interview - Daily Beast

The Hillary Clinton who showed up for her 19-minute back and forth with CNN political correspondent Brianna Keilar—touted as Clinton’s first one-on-one interview with a national reporter since she declared her candidacy three months ago—was the... While her chief Democratic rival, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders —an unvarnished liberal who self-identifies as a Socialist—has been exciting huge crowds of thousands of voters in the nation’s first caucus and primary states of Iowa and New... The candidate was, by turns, self-justifying and pugnacious, and occasionally just plain inauthentic, as she complained about her and her husband’s victimization by right-wingers and scandalous book authors—the correct people to blame, in her... “I can only say, this has been a theme that has been used against me and my husband for many, many years,” Clinton said—perhaps unwittingly evoking her long-ago claim that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was the result of a vast right-wing conspiracy. “At the end of the day, I think voters sort it all out…I trust the American voters. Source: www.thedailybeast.com