3 Movie Cars I Would Kill to Drive - Business 2 Community

Movie cars frequently represent the great dichotomy of modern cinema: what you see on the screen is truly awesome, but chances are good the closest it ever came to reality was the moment the first 3D computer model was transposed to film. With some notable exceptions, very few of the “cars” we see in movies, especially the spectacular ones, are actually drivable machines. The cars used in the most recent Mad Max , for example, were all actual vehicles, painstakingly constructed for their roles. Apparently, Need for Speed also used only real cars for their action sequences, necessitating the construction of dummy units for crashes and the like. Movie cars, clearly, are becoming more tangible by the production. Good news, then, as now I can write a short list of such cars that, if I could, I would drive over any other:. This is here because it is, simply, the most bad-ass on-screen car I can think of. Fast. Although clearly just “nigh,” since it met a sad fate in the second film — so sad, in fact, that I still shake my head whenever I watch that movie. And, although some of its antics on the big screen may be a bit exaggerated, there is actually a working, driving example in the real world. Source: www.business2community.com