Death of 9/11 'dust lady' Marcy Borders renews worry over related cancers - The Guardian

Hundreds of studies conducted in the 14 years since the terror attack show that thousands of first responders and people working and living in downtown Manhattan at the time have been diagnosed with mental and physical ailments related to the attack. Medical professionals have concluded that people at Ground Zero experienced new or exacerbated respiratory ailments from being there, and at least 10,000 survivors have been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Yet no study has conclusively proved a link between 9/11 and the development of cancer in people who were at Ground Zero during and immediately following the attack. Researchers have called for continued monitoring of survivors and long-term analysis of medical conditions experienced by those people – in part because cancer can take much longer to develop than respiratory illness. Residents of lower Manhattan filed a class action lawsuit in 2004 against the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Christine Whitman, accusing the agency of misleading people about the safety of the air around Ground Zero in the... Source: