Monday Musings: A baseball road trip - Middletown Press

The mountains of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia into North Carolina are amazing. I saw one breathtaking vista after another and as I took it all in, it struck me that these mountains -- hills by Rockies’ standards, I know -- have been standing like silent sentinels for ages upon ages. Long before Native Americans, long before most of our ancestors came to this land, they were there, in stunning majesty and beauty. The town is in southwestern North Carolina. The ballpark is wonderful. I saw it when a pickup truck drove by with a huge American flag and a huge Confederate flag flying from the back. The park holds 5,000 and you enter Keeter Stadium from a beautiful plaza and the field spreads out below. It’s a magnificent place for the World Series, although the field’s dimensions are significantly smaller than Palmer Field. Still, it is clear Palmer Field could never host a World Series again -- the bar is set too high. The press box is awful. We’re relegated to a cubbyhole on the first level and worse, the locals rent out rocking chairs to folks -- for big money, by the way -- on the level in front of this press box and if you ask them to move so you could see the field, the Southern... Park your car and a tram takes you to the ballpark. Source: