Memorial park building repairs not an immediate priority - Petoskey News-Review

Elliott said maintenance falls on city staff at the Department of Public Works and Waste Water Treatment Plant, unless the work is beyond the skillset of those employees. Since the last DDA meeting in May, Elliott has completed a walk-through of the building and created a list of items, that include replacing ceiling tiles as needed, strip and seal tile in the common areas along with yearly maintenance of the... “These other items are upgrades, like installing new toilets, hand dryers and sinks and mirror replacement,” Elliott said. Upgrades to the building will fall on the DDA/Main Street board as they have in the past, Elliott said. “The DDA usually will budget for these upgrades as they have in previous instances,” Elliott said. “City staff also has completed some miscellaneous work with the DDA on the building. Each year, nearly 40,000 people use the ferry to travel to Beaver Island, said Margo Marks, president of Beaver Island Boat Company. “It’s not that they are dirty, but the condition of the sinks and toilets make them look dirty. Source: