On the Line: Will the Houston/Dallas Bullet Train Revolutionize Texas or ... - Houston Press

On a hot day in 1991, Nancy Beddingfield stood on her front porch watching a stranger in a suit maneuver his car up the dirt drive of the Busy B Ranch, plumes of red dirt flying up behind him. He parked and strode up the rest of the driveway to her house, built on the edge of her sprawling ranch just outside of Jewett, a small town of about 1,100 residents situated on rolling plains almost exactly midway between Dallas and Houston in... His company was building a high-speed rail line between Dallas and Houston, he explained, and needed a strip of land through her ranch — the place is so big that almost every proposed infrastructure project must pass through it — and was prepared... That was the beginning of a long and drawn-out fight to stop the first Texas bullet-train project, Beddingfield, now 74, says. Beddingfield’s ranch is again in the crosshairs for a high-speed rail line. A few months ago, she got a letter from Texas Central Partners, the private company that wants to build a bullet train that will rip through her land. Beddingfield hasn’t responded, and instead keeps the letter stuck in the bottom corner of the hall mirror so she’ll remember it every time she passes by. This time around, she knows exactly where the line will go. She jabs a finger at the gently... Source: www.houstonpress.com