Sanitation Cart on Fire, Lost Parents Found in Danbury -

A sanitation Cushman (motorized cart) caught fire on Mamaroneck Road around 2 p. m. , Aug. Police closed the road while firefighters extinguished the fire. According to the driver, the Cushman made a loud "bang" while it was traveling east on Mamaroneck Road over the Bypass Bridge. He said ran away from the vehicle and returned to the sanitation department's central garage on foot because he was nervous. Firefighters called the Westchester County Cause and Origin team to help determine what caused the fire. Damage was estimated at $1,500. Five street signs were removed or damaged along Brewster Road overnight Aug. They were the signs from the following streets, Brewster and Butler roads, Brewster Road and Sage Terrace, Brewster and Gorham roads, and Brewster and Oakstwain roads. One street sign, at Fox Meadow and Butler roads, was damaged with gray spray paint. The cost for the highway department to replace the signs was $400. On Aug. 21, a woman reported her car was broken into while parked in a Palmer Avenue driveway sometime between July 26 and Aug. The car was parked in the Palmer Avenue driveway while the owner was vacationing in Scotland. 17, a Harwood Court executive director reported someone forged numerous checks on his business checking account with Chase Bank. Source: