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At The Car Connection we are continually striving to get you timely, relevant information about the vehicle you are interested in. Our email updates will notify you whenever we have new information on this vehicle. new car reviews for this model by our editors news including price changes, new models, or recall info new incentives and rebates that are being offered for this vehicle. In order to bring you this comprehensive Bottom Line summary of the 2010 Kia Rondo, the editors of TheCarConnection. com have driven the Rondo and report on how it drives and stacks up to other people-movers. Then to give you the most information for an informed purchase decision, TheCarConnection. Whether you see it as an interesting alternative to the traditional minivan or a tall-roof hatchback or wagon, the 2010 Kia Rondo remains a unique vehicle in the market. With an unbelievably roomy, minivan-like interior layout—in five- or seven-passenger seating—paired with backdoors that are hinged, not sliding, the 2010 Kia Rondo is definitely a little weird-looking but redeems itself for a number of reasons. The Rondo is built for room, not for sex appeal, with its tall, bulbous profile and five-door configuration eking three available rows of seating out of a footprint that’s barely larger than that of a compact car. Source: