Meet the Adult Men Who Worship My Little Pony -

I grew up with two younger sisters, so it’s like the same toys that cluttered the periphery of my life three decades ago still haven’t been cleaned up. Among the Reagan-era playthings given nostalgia-fueled makeovers, none have achieved a second... While my daughters adore the Skittles-colored horses, they belong to but one faction of the franchise’s multifaceted fandom, which includes adult collectors of the original merchandise and, most notoriously, the grown-up male fans who call... There are pony fan conventions throughout the country. Even soldiers proudly post pictures with bright pony patches sewn onto their uniforms. Now, I understand why my daughters dig My Little Pony. This summer, I hightailed it to the My Little Pony Fair in Schaumburg to find out. It looks like a rainbow exploded. There’s a dizzying array of wares, from beer cozies to artwork—including a painting of a badass Mohawked pony that would look awesome airbrushed on a conversion van. Source: