Lottery winners don't always hit the jackpot: Find out how smaller wins can ... - Scottish Daily Record

ACCIDENT-PRONE June Blyth was convinced she was plagued by bad luck – but her fortune has changed after she won more than £78,000. June had been in and out of hospital after falling several times over the past few years – but in January, she and... It’s meant they’ve enjoyed a £5000 dream holiday to Thailand and Dubai and they’re now able to plan for their future with possible early retirement. June said: “I’m usually really chatty but I didn’t speak for 24 hours. I’m so accident prone in the last 10 years I’ve fallen down the stairs about six times. The couple couldn’t believe they’d won so much cash and opted to celebrate with a holiday. June said: “We don’t have children and we’re quite well travelled but it meant we could look for a holiday and not be restricted. I touched a Louis Vuitton bag but I didn’t buy it. Gavin and I have always been careful with our money and if you want something you saved up for it. “I have increased the bag collection but not as expensively as I thought. “This has given us more options if we wanted to do something different with our lives and we’re thinking how to invest for early retirement. June, 42, a team manager for a bank and Gavin, 44, who works for the RNLI , live in West Kilbride and have been together 24. Source: