Police and fire for Aug. 25 - Gettysburg Times

His car was struck in the right rear tire by the eastbound 2045 Kia Optima operated by 51-year-old Mercersburg resident Rebecca Patterson, causing Geiman's car to spin counterclockwise before coming to a final rest on the access road of a parking... Get full access to all local online web content and more with a monthly online subscription to the Gettysburg Times. All subscriptions are automatically renewed. Monthly Renewing Subscriptions. Monthly renewing subscriptions are non-refundable. You may cancel your monthly renewing membership at any time during the month. Annual Renewing Subscriptions. Annual renewing subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. Refunds will be pro-rated at time of cancellation and will include a 25% early-cancellation penalty. Refunds may be applied to another product subscription without penalty. Any changes made will apply to all subscriptions created or renewed after the date such change was implemented. Source: www.gettysburgtimes.com