Family wrangles, drug trade claims derail Akasha son killing case - K24 TV

The son of slain Mombasa drug lord Ibrahim Akasha was attending to customers at his petrol station near Makupa roundabout on the evening of March 28, 2002, when tragedy struck. A lone gunman stealthily approached from behind Kamaldin Akasha’s Land Rover Discovery at around 8. 30pm and shot him three times at point blank range. Another witness, Daniel Kiarie Mwangi, said he was walking towards the petrol station when he saw a green Toyota AE100 being driven next to the pavement and shouted to the driver: “do you want to hit me. ”. Kiarie then saw the attacker, dressed in... Kamaldin’s two brothers—Hassan and Baktash—went to the scene and publicly claimed that their step-brother Nuri alias Tinta was responsible for the shooting. Kamaldin and Hassan are the late Akasha’s son by his first wife Karim, whom he had divorced. Nuri is the son of Hayat, the second wife while Baktash is the son of Fatuma, the third wife. Some aggrieved family members had accused Hayat and Fatuma of having withdrawn an unspecified amount of money from the family trust fund without their consent before assets distribution was concluded. Source: