Used vehicle review: 2002 to 2010 Lexus SC430 -

Model: 2002 to 2010 Lexus SC430. Vehicle Type: Convertible. History/Description Lexus’s nichey SC430 was a four-seat hard-topped convertible with V8 power, rear-drive, and a hefty pricetag that peaked well over $80,000. With the goal of bringing Lexus’s brand of reliable luxury into the premium roadster... End of the day, Lexus kitted the SC430 up nicely for a battle with the world’s best premium drop-tops. What Owners Like Owners rate the SC430’s performance as tops, saying the “torquey” V8 engine delivers plenty of pickup. Many owners cite the SC430’s Japanese assembly as the reason for its overall solid and well-put-together feel. What Owners Dislike SC430 owners say the ride quality can be rough or jarring on poor road surfaces, while the steering wanders about on uneven surfaces. Common Issues Start your SC430 test drive by checking out the wheels and tires. Source: