Here's how Google's self-driving car experiment is going in Austin - Fortune

has been navigating its autonomous-driving-equipped Lexus RX450h SUVs through Austin for about two months without any accidents, according to the company’s August report released Tuesday. One of Google’s Lexus SUVs was involved in an accident in Mountain View in August, according to the report. A driver behind the Google self-driving car had been busy merging and failed to see the vehicle stop in time. Google has 23 Lexus RX450h SUVs self-driving on public streets in Mountain View and Austin. Google’s self-driving cars have never been the cause of a collision, the company says. The company unleashed a self-driving car with no pedals or steering wheel, but lots of sensors and software, in June. The two-seater vehicle is equipped with the same software used in Google’s previous generation of self-driving Lexus vehicles. For now, Google will equip the cars with removable steering wheels, accelerator pedals, and brake pedals so test drivers can take over driving if necessary (and to comply with California regulations). In July, the company began testing its outfitted Lexus RX450h sport-utility vehicles in Austin,. Source: