Overall crime rate shows decrease here - The Sylva Herald

WCU’s crime number report comes as the State Bureau of Investigation releases county-by-county crime data. Jackson County’s crime rate in 2013 dropped 1. 5 percent compared to the previous year, continuing a five-year trend of annual decreases, the state report shows. Paradoxically, the university’s sexual assault numbers could point to a heightened effort by the university to track crime. Additionally, the university has another officer dedicated to helping victims of crime and coordinating programs to raise crime awareness. In other crime categories for 2013, WCU reported one robbery, one aggravated assault, one motor vehicle theft and 23 burglaries. The annual county-by-county report by the SBI is based on rates of crime per 100,000 people. Jackson County had 2,982. 5 recorded crimes 2012 and 2,932. 4 in 2013. Violent crimes in Jackson County declined by 5 percent, from 257. 2 in 2012 to 244. 4 in 2013. Jackson County’s property crimes – burglary, larceny, motor vehicle theft and... Source: www.thesylvaherald.com