West Seattle Crime Watch: Package theft on video; illegal dumping; car prowl… - West Seattle Blog (blog)

Amazon package being lifted Wednesday afternoon near 12th and Barton – and right before the person comes fully into view, they took mail out of her mailbox. ) Let police know. Ahead, three more reports – a car prowl, illegal dumping, and suspicious nail-scattering:. We just wanted to let you know that our car was prowled sometime overnight (4/16 – 4/17). Nothing was stolen (fortunately we didn’t have anything in the car) and there wasn’t any damage. We thought we had all the doors locked, but apparently one wasn’t. Just to let you know that somebody is going up and down the streets trying car doors until they find one unlocked. We live in the 2100 block of 47th Ave SW. 32 Comments. On 21ST AVE SW, just 150 feet or so from the parking lot entrance to Sanislo Elementary, people dump anything and everything there on a way too regular basis, at least once a month it seems. I have seen not just the usual bags of garbage and lawn clippings, but couches, chairs, and what was left of a twenty foot trailer all right in front of the elementary school. After taking my children to school this morning I noticed that the duffle bag that keeps their baseball cleats and gloves was stolen from our front porch. I guess we should have known that anything not locked up will be taken. We live on 21st sw and Roxbury. Source: westseattleblog.com