2 more chances to sign up for Boys & Girls Clubs soccer - TriValley Central

Age group player brackets: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11-13. The 5-6 age bracket plays 3-on-3 on a very small field. 7-8 play 5-on-5 on a little larger field. 9-10 play 8-on-8 on a bigger field and with goalies, and the 11-13 group plays 11-on-11 on a full field. All games are played at Grande Sports World on the western edge of Casa Grande and immediately east of Francisco Grande Hotel & Golf Resort. “This is a highly effective training system,” said Matthew Lemberg, Boys & Girls Club executive director, “designed not only to serve as a physical conditioning regimen but also to provide a means for youngsters to become athletes or at least... “Instead of kids wearing out their thumbs in front of the PlayStation, our soccer league offers some healthy fun and whole-body exercise by playing a sport that builds cardio, confidence and camaraderie through competition. “For the most part, games are played on Saturday mornings, but for one week, kids will be playing under the lights, and in mid-October, we’ll be playing at night again,“ Lemberg said. “The last game of the season will be played on Friday evening, Nov. Source: www.trivalleycentral.com