Keep on truckin' - Philippine Star

There are test drives and there are test drives — but none tickles my fancy more than being able to test drive muscle cars — just like the recently launched Nissan NP 300 Navara. With Metro Manila traffic the way it is (never letting up) and sudden downpours that cause major flooding on my regular route to and from work — a pickup, such as the Navara NP300, is definitely heaven-sent. Nissan has been into engineering pickups for almost 80 years, with its first small truck Nissan (nee Datsun). Recently, Nissan introduced its 12th-generation Navara pickup, the D23 series. This year, Nissan has set its sights, with the NP300, on becoming the ute pickup of the year. Let me just say, that even as I found the Navara easy to handle in the toughest of traffic and flood conditions — the pickup is no lightweight when it comes to the need for a heavy-duty tow vehicle. Although many would say that the Navara comes across as being one macho pickup — that sort of comment never fazes me because tough pickups make for great on road or off-road companions. So, once seated in the cockpit of the NP300, a small driver like me is not intimidated by the size of this ute pickup because inside it hugs like a glove. Source: