NAss And The Art Of Dissent - Nigerian Observer

REBELLION and dissent have always been the hallmark of mankind on earth and even angels in heaven if the Biblical account, of how former angel Lucifer was chased from heaven into the world, is taken into consideration. As the story goes, Lucifer was an influential angel loved by God and was considered to be what can be referred to, in modern political circles, as a key member of God’s ‘kitchen’ Cabinet. Even the Shiite and Sunni divide that has been shaping events in the Arabic and Persian world since the passing away of Prophet Mohammed (Peace Be Unto Him) is also said to be attributable to a disagreement amongst his followers over how the... According to research from Council On Foreign Relations with one side believing that a member of the prophet’s family should succeed him and the other preferring one of the high ranking clerics to mount the saddle, the stage was set for dissent... Magna Carta, a treaty signed in 1215 BC between some aggrieved British business barons who wanted change and threatened to go to war against King John of England in the 13th century in protest over tyrannical taxes levied by the King, is also... Before the Magna Carta, British Kings were demi-gods who could simply say ‘off with his head’ and the person was as good as dead but the treaty set boundaries and limited the powers of kings. Source: