Redesigned 2015 Nissan Maxima Is A Porsche Panamera Killer - MotoringCrunch

The 2015 Nissan Maxima has been giving a new design and the Porsche Panamera had better look out next year when the Maxima arrives on the market. We did get to see some of its new look, albeit with the car wrapped up nice and tight in camouflage and we have managed to get a preview of what to expect with the styling from the Sport Sedan concept. Whether or not the size of the car is going to change isn’t known, but let’s hope that it is larger than the Altima, as currently it isn’t. It should however be able to go up against the larger cars much better thanks to the styling and it is thought that the car will boast the V6 3. 5 litre engine with CVT. We expect the killer to the Porsche Panamera to arrive sometime early 2015 and it should be on the forecourts of garages and showrooms by late 2015. Source: