Happy July 4th From Automoblog - Automoblog.net (blog)

As Stars and Stripes shine all across the country, Automoblog staff members share their favorite July 4th vehicles. These are the ones we would drive in the parades, by the company outings, and to the town celebrations. Chris works tirelessly in all aspects of Automoblog and has held every job in the office as the site’s founder. He is an Audi fan at heart but loves all fast cars. It is not uncommon to get an e-mail from Chris about the latest super car and what he would do on the Autobahn should he get his hands on it. He Writes:. Back in high school my first car ever was a 1984 Chevy Caprice Classic – two-tone blue with a plush red interior. And I mean RED. I loved this car – about as American as you can get (already got the red & blue part down), tons of interior room for uhh. I was already half tempted to fit a disco ball inside – so the ball with a light in the middle of the interior, some Sweet Home Alabama blasting through the speakers, and a few tweaks here and there and we’ve got ourselves a parade car. I’d totally paint the tail lights red, white, and blue and paint a flag on the hood. Source: www.automoblog.net