It's 'the golden age' for turbochargers in cars - The Detroit News

Nitin Kulkarni of Honeywell Transportation Systems said turbochargers can be applied to all kinds of vehicle size and engine strategies. <137><252><137> Nitin Kulkarni of Honeywell Transportation Systems,Nitin Kulkarni, V. P. Honeywell Transportation Systems for North America, Japan and Korea, poses with a commercial vehicle turbocharger on the table. XXXXThe Detroit News visits Honeywell Transportation Systems in Plymouth regarding the growth of turbochargers in vehicles, Thursday morning, April 30, 2015. (Todd McInturf , The Detroit News)2015. Through the '90s, turbocharged engines represented a small slice of the market, largely relegated to European sports models and performance versions of American cars. Since then, turbocharged engines have expanded to about 21 percent of cars sold in the United States in 2014. Some expect turbochargers to be as popular in America as they are in Europe by 2025, where about 70 percent of all vehicles now sold are... "We're in the golden age of turbos," said Nitin Kulkarni, Honeywell Transportation Systems vice president of North America, Japan and Korea, sitting in his Plymouth office. "We are a no-compromise solution because we can be literally applied to all kinds of vehicle sizes, fuels and engine strategies. Source: