Recall Alert: 2009-2010 Toyota Tacoma -

So far, 13 companies have recalled 13 million vehicles this year, on pace for almost 30 million by the end of the year. Last year, there were 22 million recalls. A good editorial on TTAC speculates the rise of modular platforms will give way to even more recalls in the future. com/2014/04/editorial-get-ready-for-massive-recalls-driven-by-modular-platforms/. LOL@Toyota. I wrote a letter to Toyota over a decade ago when they were moving more manufacturing to the USA. don't do it or you will pay the price in poor quality from US auto workers. I mean how long did they think their brand would last with drunkard , late for work, spiteful, I don't care auto workers. I warned Toyota. Now on pace for more recalls in one decade than their entire production since entering the USA. Shared components - get used to hearing that word and get used to massive recalls. Fan boys love to point out the size of a recall but size is due to shared components. Today's Washington news media is so heavily invested in the success of the failed Obama regime that ANY story critical of the president is on page 4B, and the front page news is crap about Toyota recalls and other minutiae. Source: