On the go: magic and accordions - Chron.com

13-16--THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS--Cast members of Touchstone Pictures 'The Royal Tenenbaums,' appear in this promotional photo. From left, are Ben Stiller, Danny Glover, Gywneth Paltrow, and Anjelica Huston at the Tenenbaum dinner table. (AP Photo/Touchstone Pictures). THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS - Left to Right: Luke Wilson, Gwyneth Paltrow, Gene Hackman, Ben Stiller, Grant Rosenmeyer (foreground, left) , Jonah Meyerson (foreground, right, Anjelica Huston, Danny Glover and Kumar Pallana in Touchstone Pictures' comedy... " Photo credit: James Hamilton Permission is hereby granted to newspapers and magazines to reproduce this picture on the condition that it is used in connection with direct publicity for the movie in which it appears and that it is accompanied by... Source: www.chron.com