Project Ali-Lander, Building an Unlimited JK for Adventure - Four Wheeler Network

Unlike a trail rig, an adventure rig has to be ready to wheel, drive long distances, and mall crawl at a moment’s notice. More so, it has to carry gear enough gear for week-long camping and wheeling expeditions. I’ve owned a few JKs over the years, and every one I’ve built, I have enjoyed. However, until recently, I discounted just how versatile the JK platform is. If you’re the type who drives your Jeep to the trailhead, instead of towing it, you’ll immediately appreciate the refinement of the Unlimited JK. My recent purchase of... From the ad, it was clear that someone had wheeled the Jeep. A mud-stained engine bay, lightly rusted framerails, and dents from front to rear were clear indicators of the Unlimited’s past. By the time I made it to the No. 6 cylinder, the oil buildup on the plugs was a clear sign of a bigger problem. Currently, the engine ingests about a quart of oil for every tank of fuel. Since it’s my camping/long-distance wheeler, it’s the closest to an overland rig I will likely come to having. Source: