What a year's worth of San Francisco rent can buy - Chron.com

Housing in Oakland, while rising, remains cheaper than SF. According to recent numbers, a one-bedroom in the Oakland area averages out to around $1,815 per month, enough to pay rent for TWO years (assuming your rent doesn't get jacked after the... If you want to be creative, you could even rent an apartment, buy a used car, and still have money left over for tolls and public transportation when needed. Buy a block in Cleveland : According to one report , the average home price in Cleveland is around $51,000 meaning you'd have enough to just about buy a house outright. Or, if you're feeling like an investment in The Mistake By The Lake, you could put a down-payment (assuming it's 20 percent) on four houses (maybe five if the houses are listed below average). Included in the package are a butler, a chauffeured Rolls Royce, and a bed spread that has gold woven in it. You'll feel that much worse when you spill coffee all over it the next morning. One can only guess how much the minibar is. Buy too many Apple watches: The hottest tech toy can be yours and just how many you buy is up to you. Some of the cheaper models will run around $600 or you can buy 44 watches of this model which comes in at under $1,100 each. If you feel REALLY fancy, though, you can buy a pair of these extremely limited editions because gold casing is really important. And since you're sinking money into an Apple product, just put the remaining cash into Apple stock. Source: www.chron.com