On The Driveway To Economic Recovery – Thoughts On Free Trade - Daily Caller

Everyone knows that growth is critical to full recovery, and maintaining trading partners is critical to growth. My wife keeps the harder tasks, like managing the soccer team and getting the kid who acts to the play on time. Nobody wants another April 2013 incident, when a soccer goalie was dropped off at community theater, while Hamlet was forced to suffer the slings and arrows of shot after shot on goal. I stay behind with the cartoon-watchers, charged with three simple tasks: dress ‘em, feed ‘em and clean up after ‘em. Not that this is easy. My driveway because that’s where you want to face me as counterparty, where my worst trades take place. Three Saturdays ago a pickup truck stops in front of my house and two guys amble up my driveway. They quote what seems a fair price for pine needles, so I say have at it. But then a strange thing happens: they start scattering pine needles all over my front yard. Once we establish their take on the trade was the correct one, they go back to scattering and I go back to pretending my misunderstanding wasn’t beyond dumb. You see, the pine needles I just bought are like a stay at the Four Seasons to deer ticks. My beloved just looks at me with eyes that say fix this immediately , which if you’re wondering look an awful lot like. Source: dailycaller.com