Nissan Titan replacement finally coming - USA TODAY

Nissan Titan replacement finally coming Nissan's new Titan big pickup is finally ready to show itself. The pickup goes on sale later in the year, four years late. ly/1wbKAYS Nissan's new Titan big pickup finally is ready to show itself. Nissan was in a partnership with Chrysler Group to sell a version of Chrysler's under-development new Ram pickup, but that came apart as a result of Chrysler's bankruptcy reorganization in 2009. Nissan then had to start over, by itself, and... And it had to throw out much of what it knew from the Titan it's been selling, because that never caught on. And because the main contenders all have recent updates or redesigns in the market, Nissan has no room to miss the bulls-eye. Toyota took years to get its Tundra right, evolving it from the small, underpowered T100 that it sold 1993-1998. Its replacement, the almost-big-enough Tundra, was sold from 2000 to 2006. Then the bigger new Tundra made its debut in 2007 -- as the... That wariness kept the company from spending heavily on new powertrains for the updated 2014 model, even as Ford, General Motors and Chrysler all sunk big dollars into new engines and transmissions, as well as technology and styling changes. Tundra sales are running about 10,000 a month -- far more than the Titan's 1,000 a month, but well off the Ford F-series and Chevrolet. Source: