2015 Nissan Pathfinder proves itself quite capable on road trip - The Morning Sun

Initially I was on the Ohio Turnpike, a stretch of road that is well-lit, offers immaculate rest stops, and is quite impressive and fun to drive on. You have to pay a few bucks for the privilege, but it’s worth it -- and it puts Michigan roads to... During my many hours driving in Ohio (roughly five hours going and the same coming back), the Pathfinder handled smoothly and quickly went wherever I directed it. The main issue I can say I had with the Pathfinder is in the acceleration department. You get decent speed if you need to do a slow climb to speed, but if you need to get going quickly on the highway, it takes longer than I would like. Another Ohio note I have to mention is that the safety features on the Pathfinder were extremely helpful at times, such as the intense downpour I encountered on the turnpike going home. So intense I could barely see out my windshield or any of the windows, surrounded on all sides by semi trucks, the lights on the side mirrors alerting me of vehicles in the other lane proved to be potentially life-saving equipment and are a safety... It’s impossible to describe fully without seeing it yourself, but let me just summarize by saying that the curvy and hilly mountain roads of these two states are unlike anything you’ll see elsewhere. Source: www.themorningsun.com