George Pataki seeks to pressure GOP field over Trump comments - CNN

Pataki, the former Republican governor of New York, sent a letter to the more than a dozen other GOP candidates asking them to join him in calling out Trump for calling illegal immigrants to the U. S. "rapists" and "killers. Trump has not backed down from his comments despite businesses and media organizations severing their relationships with the Trump brand. "The last week of news coverage over the language used by Donald Trump to describe Mexicans has left me and a lot of other sensible people wondering what century we are living in," Pataki said in his open letter. He compared Trump's rhetoric to the language used about Italian and Irish immigrants a century ago. Trump captured 12% of Republicans' support in a CNN/ORC poll released on Wednesday , coming in second only to former Florida Gov. Reaction to Trump from other Republicans has varied -- some tried to laugh him off, others said they didn't need Pataki's letter to denounce the businessman's remarks. "I said from day one that when you label a group of people as rapists and and drug dealers, that's more about you than it is them," Graham said. "I've been trying to fix illegal immigration in a sound, thoughtful way for a decade, so what Trump says says more about Trump than it does anybody else. Source: