50 things you should know about Decatur - Herald & Review

The possibilities for Decatur and Macon County are seen as limitless as the area undergoes a robust transformation. The City Limitless Decatur and Macon County marketing campaign was launched earlier in 2015 as part of the Grow Decatur branding efforts. Grow Decatur organizers see the area transforming into a vibrant and attractive place to live and work, and want to share that message both inside and outside of the community. The marketing campaign defines Decatur with a rich history and plentiful resources. In order for the campaign to be successful, those who live and work in the community need to become united in sharing all the positive things Decatur has to offer. Areas of focus include the Midwest Inland Port, education, workforce development, lakefront development, water supply, grow the middle, vibrant and attractive, 20 to 40, and housing in the city along with community marketing and branding. The community marketing and branding effort is funded for 5 years through the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. com|(217) 421-7972. The Decatur Municipal Band has been a staple of the city's entertainment scene for 158 years. Billed as one of the oldest nonmilitary bands in the country, the band was formed Sept. The name of the group varied over the years and included the Decatur Brass Band, Decatur Comet Band and Decatur Silver. Source: herald-review.com