Oceanside Chronicles – PD: Season 2, Episode 4 - www.Officer.com

Why couldn’t he escape the noise. No matter where he went, in or out of the city, day or night, light or dark… the noise followed him. The Banana Man – Mark – he heard noise. In the noise he heard patterns. In the patterns he heard anger. The noise was so angry. It took its anger out on him. He kept moving, from hiding place to hiding place, always in the dark, trying to escape the noise. But it was every place he’d ever found and it kept spurring him to join him in its anger. In the end, he embraced the anger of the noise. But as a result of the noise-fueled anger or the alcohol filtered anger, he was living with a perpetual desire to lash out. No one cared that he hurt. No one cared that he was in pain. Now he lived a life of hide and run and hurt. The Banana Man never realized… wasn’t aware of the fact… he had caused his own change. The hurt caused by the noise was a side-effect of the fact that he no longer was on his meds. The noise kept him awake way too much and his mental issues were mixing with his alcoholism and both were magnified by the sleep deprivation he was driving himself into. Source: www.officer.com