Why Won't Honda Make a V8? - Jalopnik

Hello and welcome to Letters to Doug, your weekly Jalopnik Q&A column wherein you provide the Qs and I provide a long, ranting A that goes off on a lot of unrelated tangents. Before we get into today’s letter, I want to remind you that you, too, can participate in Letters to Doug. Just send me a letter at Letters2Doug@gmail. I say this because my usual strategy (“I probably won’t read your letter”) has resulted in me getting fewer and fewer letters, to the point where I almost took one this week from a guy asking if I wanted to improve my “SEO scorre. But fortunately, I received an excellent letter this week from a reader named Art, who’s writing to us from the beautiful state of Indiana. Before I get started, I just want to say, Art, that this is an excellent question, and it’s one that I’ve wondered myself many times in the past. What do I do. Fortunately, Art, since I’ve had time to think about your question over the years, I’ve also had time to develop an answer. Possibly the most hilarious example of Honda’s unadulterated caution came when the SUV market was starting to blow up in the early 1990s. Here’s what happened: the Ford Explorer came out in 1991, and the Jeep Grand Cherokee came out in 1993, and... Source: jalopnik.com