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They can't make the Colorado-Canyon fast enough cause everybody wants one. Ford is failing, people are rejecting their showboat F-150. Ford always relied on the popularity of their F-150 to help sell their cars and SUV's (people always thought if they make the best pickup they have to make the best cars). Ford just threw that all away cause they listened to some idiot engineers and sales marking morons. Good to see GM adding jobs. Good to see the Mustang still outselling the Camaro and Charger&Challenger. Good to see the F150 being the success it is. Frames for them are running short cause they are such a hit with the truck world. Say what you want but Ford trucks will always rule. You just wait and see cause any day now PUTC will publish the May 2015 sales numbers and your precious F-150 will be DOWN-DOWN-DOWN. everybody knows the Colorado-Canyon is the most exciting and hottest pickup out there right now. PUTC always sets us up with stories with an agenda or a puff story that sets up information they know about but not telling us. It's kinda easy to figure out, amazed you guys have no clue. Source: