Running on empty: How we drove 834 (smelly) miles on an Audi's single tank - Yahoo Singapore News

My driving partner, Jason Torchinsky, stared ahead, his eyes glassy and somewhat crazed, but determined. We were in a brand-new Audi A3 diesel, which, if we’d pushed it to its limits, would have had us over the mountain in 20 minutes. We were in a contest to drive the Audi 834 miles, from Albuquerque to San Diego, on one tank of fuel. On Day One, we’d drive from Albuquerque to Sedona, Ariz. The following day, Sedona to San Diego, was much further. You’d make it through the first day even if you drove 90 the whole way. There were bailout points, starting around mile 650, and getting progressively closer and closer together. The last bailout point, “BP7,” was at the top of a mountain, 38 miles from our coastal endpoint. Only one person had ever succeeded on this drive. “Drive at least 5 to 10 miles an hour under the speed limit. The faster the speed limit, the further under it you drive. Drive as far over to the edge of the right lane as possible, with your right blinker on, or possibly even your hazards. If a car is trailing you too closely, but refuses to go around, move over to the left lane if possible, slow down, and let them speed ahead. Source: