Full-sized custom Texas Longhorn converted school bus with beer taps hits the ... - Chron.com

It's a 32-foot long orange and white custom 1982 school bus converted to a University of Texas party pad, for sale for $10,000. It has indoor and outdoor beer taps, two ceiling-mounted air conditioning units, a gas generator, wiring for two TVs... For the last year, Andrew Stocker, a 40-year-old insurance salesman in Dallas, carted kids and friends across Texas following UT football. It was a project of Stocker and two friends—collectively three Dallas area businessmen who graduated the University of Texas at Austin in 1997. When Stocker found a Craigslist ad for a full size school bus with all the seats already stripped,... "That was the first time any of us had ever done something like that," Stocker said. Employees at a Sherwin-Williams auto-body paint distributor walked him through the entire process of painting the bus to professional standards, he said. Someone with the Cummins customer service team in Dallas spent more than an hour on the phone helping him install his Cummins generator at no cost. And two friends from the Anheuser-Busch plant in Oklahoma provided all parts and labor to install the indoor and outdoor beer taps, with the stipulation that only Anheuser-Busch. Source: www.chron.com