Why Don't We Get Small Trucks in America? - Jalopnik

Although we’ve tackled some very innovative topics here on Letters to Doug , this is an old one: why don’t automakers sell small trucks in the United States. I get asked this question all the time, by all kinds of people, absolutely certain that the small truck would be successful if automakers would just give it another try. So I’m going to give it to you straight: Doug’s explanation for why we don’t have small trucks in America. PROBLEM NUMBER ONE: Any automaker trying to sell a small truck in America would have to build it in America. This is due to something called the Chicken Tax , which is a tax created by chickens when they controlled the House and the Senate back during the fowl years of the late 1970s. The Chicken Tax basically says that any foreign imported trucks are... As a result, if you’re trying to sell a truck in America, it’s much cheaper to build the truck in America. PROBLEM NUMBER TWO: Foreign countries like small trucks way more than we do. Source: jalopnik.com