Mayor Fuller: Opelika boldly plans for future growth - Opelika Auburn News

Opelika has been fortunate over the years in that we have had leaders in our community who have recognized the importance of our heritage enough to preserve it, cherish it and teach our children to value it. And yet, at the same time, our leaders... ” That notion is exactly why our community developed its own water utilities system, and why we launched into being the source of power to the residents and businesses in Opelika over 100 years ago – even when others couldn’t see the “logic” in us... And now, as we look to the future once again, and see that high-speed broadband will only become more important to the quality of life and the vitality of our community, it’s important for us to continue to move forward in laying out a solid... And that’s why I led the charge for Opelika to incorporate the cutting edge technology of Fiber to the Premise (FTTP) back in 2010, so that our residents could have the best power service available, with the least amount of interruptions, and the... In fact, Opelika is the first city in the State of Alabama to be a “GIG City” – and we’re proud of that for what it means to our city for generations to come. Source: