Ron Paul's apocalypse is now - CNN

Though Paul's son is running to take charge of the very nation he believes will soon implode, that apparently hasn't been a reason to modulate his sky-is-falling proclamations. READ: Can Rand Paul escape his father's shadow. As part of an infomercial for Stansberry & Associates Investment Research, Ron Paul warned that a currency crisis "of epic proportions" would arrive soon and prophesied that life in America was "guaranteed to end in disaster" as "a total breakdown... " Paul said people could avoid -- and even benefit from -- the collapse by purchasing Stansberry's "Survival Blueprint" for weathering the coming catastrophe for $49. 50. Ron Paul has been making predictions like this for years, but the latest... On the heels of his recent fight against the National Security Agency and controversial comments about the GOP's history in the Middle East, Rand Paul is struggling to bring in more traditional Republicans while harnessing his father's energetic... While Rand Paul often discusses topics that his father's warnings are rooted in, such as a need for sound monetary policy and debt reduction, he hasn't echoed his father's certainty about economic collapse. Asked whether he shared his father's expressed worries, Rand Paul told The Wall Street. Source: