Find the ducks to get the bucks - Louisiana Sportsman

He enjoyed deer hunting, but chasing those swamp bucks was too frustrating after the rut, so he stuck with his favorite type of hunting in January, which was blasting birds. Just as many people use guard dogs to alert them of intruders, a smart swamp buck uses the same principle by bedding practically all day near noisy ducks that take off quaking loudly at the first sign of danger. It only takes one tiny swamp mound for a big ol’ daddy deer to hide on. As soon as danger enters the buck’s turf, those ducks will alert the deer and send him bounding to a new swamp mound, never to be seen again. Every year while paddling the pirogue to a duck hole, my dad would jump the biggest buck seen for the season near a thick flock of mallards - but the buck would only be jumped once from each particular spot. After seeing a buck near the same place multiple years in a row, Dad’s motivation to down the elusive king of the swamp was reignited, but he patiently waited for the correct conditions the following year. He avoided hunting a particular duck hole all season, waiting for perfect wind and cold, cloudy, sleeting conditions to enact his plan on a January morning in 1979. . After feeding on the swamp ridges all night, a huge mature 9-pointer crept... Source: