Pet health: Stay safe at dog parks by being aware of risks - Tulsa World

Be sure your pup sees the veterinarian annually to stay up-to-date on shots, preventative medicine and tests to make sure your pet hasn’t contracted anything from public places like the dog park. Keep your dog away from communal water sources. Unscooped poop is a key source of contamination at dog parks Never bring a young puppy to a dog park, as most puppies have not been fully vaccinated Use common sense. If you see a dog coughing, avoid the park that day. Watch your dog’s behavior interacting with other dogs. Signs that your dog may feel threatened Ears pulled back Curling lips Low growling Tucked tail Nervous panting, lip licking or yawning Leaning forward toward another dog Harsh coughing Changes in appetite Fever Signs of being lethargic Changes in... If you would like the newspaper delivered to your home and unlimited digital access, please subscribe to one of our print + digital packages. Source: