Ambulance workers hang it up after decades of service -

“When you get older it turns into more work, which it’s really not supposed to be,” Sinell said. Sinell has over 25 years of experience, starting training for the Ambulance in 1989. Burns and Snow both have over 27 years of experience, starting in 1987. Zachman has the most at over 30 years, starting in 1984. “I can’t say enough about the... Five people are on call at any given time, three for the first truck and two more in case the second truck needs to go out. Workers make up four teams, which take turns being on call. The group generally receives over 400 calls a year, indicating there is at least one call a day. It sounds like an efficient enough system, but as long-time group member and EMT Jim Felmlee pointed out, schedules and availability make things much more difficult. “The problem is some schedules only run a few days or hours,” he said. “I had this house full of kids, and I thought, ‘I need to know first aid,’ “ she said. I thought if I can give them a day off during the weekend, it’s worth it. I was just in a supporting role, and I never got out of it. ”. After the kids moved out, Burns moved out of town east of Henderson, and still had work as a bus driver for... “I drove for the school for many years,” she said. Source: