Stupid Stuff We've Done While Wheeling And The Lessons We Learned - Four Wheeler Network

Have you ever done something stupid while wheeling and walked away even though you shouldn’t have. Some staffers responded with stories of times they walked away from their stuck 4x4 when they probably could’ve figured out how to un-stick it. one tells the story of when he should’ve walked away from a situation and thus avoided a rollover. another tells of breakage that forced a long walk. and others tell stories of miraculously walking away from off-road blunders that could’ve ended up much worse. No matter how the question is interpreted, there are lessons in each story. Have you ever done something stupid while wheeling and walked away even though you shouldn’t have. If so, tell us about it. Ken Brubaker, senior editor, Four Wheeler:. “Whew, I’ve done many stupid things while wheeling. Another time that could’ve ended badly, but didn’t, was a romp in a rental Blazer in Dumont Dunes, California, which resulted in getting stuck in the sand. I had to leave my wife alone to look for help and after walking for a while I flagged down a passing K5 Blazer and got pulled out. “I’m not sure that this counts as being so terrible that we were in too much danger, but walking was part of the. Source: