A 1994 Ford Ranger For Racin' and Pre-runnin' - Masterpiece in Metal - Four Wheeler Network

From the times of Manny Esquerra to present day, the Ford Ranger has proved itself to be one of the most enduring platforms in off road racing. Smith, of SDR Racing of Hermosa Beach, CA. , wanted to have a killer race truck for a season or two, and then use it to pre run the various racecourses that he’ll find himself on. Those roles are two areas where the Ranger excels. The 1994 Ranger chassis was initially started by NewLine Products in Anaheim, CA. , which is the sister shop to SI Motorsports of Santa Fe Springs, CA. After having the interior cage built and original Ranger frame modified at Newline, the project... When looking to upgrade and have a new race truck built, SDR racing saw the potential in the project and purchased the chassis that had been acquired by SI Motorsports. SI Motorsports then started where NewLine left off and completed the rest of the chassis, shocks mounts, motor mounts, front and rear suspension, and everything in between. The rear suspension utilizes an SI Motorsports bolt on 4- Link, to which a Currie custom fabricated 4130 housing, modified by SI, is bolted. Source: www.fourwheeler.com