Nigel McAree was found murdered at the Governor Game Lookout of the Royal ... -

“Bullet found in headless body at cliff,” was the newspaper headline that first told readers of the 42-year-old’s violent death in 1975. His body was found on a September afternoon in the bushes at Governor Game Lookout, in Sydney’s Royal National... He’d been shot and — in several savage blows — his head cut off, likely with a machete, and thrown onto bushes a few metres away. Large pools of blood indicated he was shot in the back of the head with a. 22 calibre rifle and then dragged to bushes close by where the head was removed. They found the blood pool near Nigel’s Ford Fairlane and rang the park ranger who went to investigate. The body and then, about 4. 5m away, its head close to the cliff, were found. His son Stewart McAree has never spoken publicly about his father’s murder and rarely even discusses it with his family. “It just shattered me. My whole life as I knew it was gone,” he told news. It changed the way Stewart lived and how he viewed people. In the aftermath, his mother Kathleen struggled to cope and had to be told in stages Nigel was dead. Stewart said he wasn’t sure what he would say to the killer if they are ever found. “What can you say to someone that takes your best mate away and changes your whole world. But Stewart has a theory about his father’s death. Source: