2015 Ford Atlas Concept Takes Shape - PickupTrucks.com

That shape alone could mean an improvement of as much as 25% compared to almost all the other shapes. You may hate the looks, but those looks could make all the difference between reaching mileage goals or not. For all that a modern locomotive is the most efficient transportation device currently in the world, running in the vicinity of 500 ton-miles per gallon, when running light, they run in the vicinity of about 5 ton-miles per gallon, even though... they're most efficient at full load. Running light does mean they may get more range out of the existing fuel load, but when compared to hauling tens of thousands of tons that economy is nothing at all. What Ford did do here is choose to eliminate some of the more desirable features--like the wrap-over windshield. That added height to the glass makes it easier to see poorly-placed traffic lights at tight intersections where you normally have to lean forward and look up to see that light. (no offense) but the Loco and Bullet are FUGLY. the Loco especially looks like it was drawn by some kid in high school. Time to join in. Like in a previous post I too prefer lites not stacked. The new Atlas concept appears mostly tonka but the difference is still appealling. Its a big game being played with big stakes. Ford has a lot to. Source: news.pickuptrucks.com