John Stancavage: Some workers make time-wasting a fine art - Tulsa World

Surround yourself with productive people. Much like laughter, productivity can be infectious. Watching how others make themselves productive can inspire us to act similarly. Give yourself permission to take a break, and set a definite ending time. Go for a 10- or 20-minute walk. Research shows that a few minutes of light exercise can rejuvenate the brain. It can get a little annoying to hear them describe Mondays as a “re-entry day” when not much gets done beyond cleaning out the weekend’s email, or Fridays as the beginning of the weekend (ever try to call someone in their office at 4 p. m. ). . I... Stancavage presents an employee bashing article here what he obviously doesn't realize is that the productivity gains over the last decades has come more from stagnated wages and salaries coinciding with employees working more hours than previous... Since productivity is a measure of output to a unit of input, if you decrease the input (salaries and wages) but get the same or more output, obviously productivity increases. So, since the cause of increased poductivity is stagnating wages and higher expectations on employees, these HR professionals need to come to the reality that workers are tired of working harder for no economic rewards. Source: