Automobilia is back on after fundraising effort, organizer says - Wichita Eagle

The 21st annual Automobilia Moonlight Car Show & Street Party is back on. The July 11 show had previously been called off because of a $12,000 shortage in funds, but after a fundraising effort on GoFundMe , the show will go on as scheduled,... “It’s on, it’s a go, and I think it’s going to be the largest show we’ve ever had,” Carpenter said. “They banded together and said, ‘we aren’t going to let this show die. Floyd Dutton said his one-year-only example made the trip from Harrah, Okla. One of the real head-scratchers at the show was this little gem displayed by Bill Bauck of Wichita, who calls it an `Aero Car' because it apparently was fabricated out of a pair of aircraft scoops molded together and dropped over the chassis of a... His grandkids call it the `Mickey Car' since they think it looks like something Mickey Mouse would drive. Source: